Why is the BACB so focused on use of its credentials?

Why is the BACB so focused on use of its credentials?

A quick scan of social media in behavior analyst groups might show a lot of chatter recent notifications from the ...

Behavior Analysis and Distance Supervision in Virginia

There have been a lot of questions lately about distance supervision. According to the Board of Medicine, ...

Behavior Analysts as LMHPs

In 2018, Sen. Barker initiated a bill to change the regulations to classify Licensed Behavior Analysts as Licensed Mental Health Practitioners (LMHP). The bill passed into law and the Commonwealth took the necessary steps to make the change.  As of 11/29/18, the changes have been made: https://law.lis.virginia.gov/admincode/title12/agency35/chapter105/section20/ and http://register.dls.virginia.gov/details.aspx?id=7135 are the applicable Web sites. “Licensed […]