Therapeutic Consultation Training

by | Nov 18, 2022 | News

Are you interested in providing services to waiver recipients through Therapeutic Behavioral Consultation?  Are you already doing so and would like some help?

In October 2022, VirginiaABA teamed up with DBHDS and Positive Behavior Consulting to bring a training and this information.  VABA thanks Darcy Creech, Nathan Habel, Jason Perkins, and Barry Seaver for your hard work on this project!

Training Video from 10/21/22

Slides from the training

FAQ from the training

More resources:

Billing Guidelines – note these were graciously provided by Darcy Creech of Positive Behavior Consulting and do not reflect guidance from DBHDS or DMAS

Sometimes providers make unintentional errors in billing.  If in doubt, double check the service agreement (SA) and other numbers and codes used.  Top 50 Billing Error Reason Codes With Common Resolutions (

Here is the link to the BSPARI training which is the method used to evaluate behavior plans for Therapeutic Consultation.State ResourcesEdit

There is a fee for becoming a provider in the MES system, but DBHDS has some funding to cover that fee:  Click for more information or email

Here is some info about Jumpstart funding:

Typically, the therapist would submit an application with the required documents for the Jump-Start Funding.  An application can be approved without identifying and individual to serve.  In the case of TBC, once their application is approved, they can request the State Required fee as an initial invoice and explain that on the narrative form.  No additional fund may be disbursed until one or more individual accepts service from this therapist.

Jump-Start Materials: (complete these fillable forms, and send as attachments)

Excerpt from the Jump-Start Program Information
Behavioral Therapeutic Consultation funds are distributed for the state required fee, and then once one individual accepts service, and continues with service delivered. Up to a minimum of three individuals should be served for Jump-Start Funding.