Celebrating Wendi Jenkins

by | Mar 3, 2024 | Miscellaneous

In honor of our 20th Anniversary, we found several people who were at the first VABA Conference (and therefore members) and who are members still today.  Our fifth honoree is Wendi Jenkins.
What were you doing in behavior analysis back when VABA first started, and what are you doing in behavior analysis today?

I became a BCBA in 2002, while working as a Psychologist at Central Virginia Training Center in Lynchburg. I then worked in Roanoke City Schools as a Behavior Specialist (2005-2012), supervised in-home ABA services from 2012-2015, and currently work as a Systems Coach with the Virginia Tiered Systems of Support project through VCU – VTSS Research and Implementation Center.

What surprises you the most about the field today?

The growth of behavior analysis over the past 20 years! When I started, nobody knew what a BCBA was, and now, we don’t have enough BCBA’s to support the need!

What value do you find in being a VABA Member?

The opportunity to learn with other BCBAs and stay current and connected.